May 23rd, 2009


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  1. O.K. I'll get a Gravatar....later

    I was looking up “coffee cartoons” and found your web site, your Blog, blog?
    Funny stuff. Say, is this, are you the same Mark Stiver from Tyler, early 80″s?
    The painting with the mouth…and other good stuff. If not, sorry….still very funny.

  2. O.K. I'll get a Gravatar....later

    Mark Stiver…..ummmm…Tyler..early 80’s That Mark Stiver?

  3. Neil Hyman

    good god is this the best that american humor can do?

  4. Amber

    I’d lol if he wasn’t american.

    Plus, it gets funnier if you know about lemmings.

  5. Adam

    Actually it’s even less funny if you know about lemmings. They do not commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs, this idea was popularised by a 1950s Disney documentary but the footage was staged.

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