Most Inspiring Person
February 7th, 2009

Most Inspiring Person

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  1. Jill

    hahaha, brilliant.

  2. Martin Sander

    Hi mark,

    your cartoons show great stile and your stories are exceptional. They please me very much. The one with the squeezed out orange I like expecially.

    I want to invite you to post some of your great work to the community plattform I started together with other cartoonists:

    Although its quite new on the web, it has already a fine selection of international comic artists.

    Your cartoons would match perfectly to our site and I know that a lot of the toonsUp-folk would love it too 🙂

    Greetings from berlin,
    Martin Sander (made)

  3. Martin Sander

    Hi mark,

    your cartoons show great stile and your stories are exceptional. They please me very much. The one with the squeezed out orange I like expecially.

    I want to invite you to post some of your great work to the community plattform I started together with other cartoonists:

    Although its quite new on the web, it has already a fine selection of international comic artists.

    Your cartoons would match perfectly to our site and I know that a lot of the toonsUp-folk would love it too 🙂

    Greetings from berlin,
    Martin Sander (made)

  4. Stephen

    Dead on. Great works, you are very funny.

  5. Jess.Sam.Guy

    That was me you ran over, you bastard!

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