If you are interested in running a cartoon in your publication, contact me.

Cartoon archive 2005
1-1-05 Physics of coffee
1-9-05 Line of the damned
1-14-05 Tip shirt
1-21-05 Big dumb guy
1-29-05 The messenger
2-4-05 Saving resources
2-11-05 Meditator
2-14-05 Bob calling
2-23-05 Toaster
2-25-05 Waking
3-9-05 Impala
3-12-05 No internet
3-27-05 You don't look 47
4-02-05 Phone prodigy
4-10-05 The Golden Years
4-23-05 God smites me
4-28-05 Jackass boss
5-08-05 Musical ambition
5-15-05 Head transplant
5-18-05 Brain surgery
5-22-05 Internet girlfriend
6-1-05 Advantage of middle age
6-9-05 Intelligent design
6-11-05 Handsome super-race
6-14-05 Intel in a Mac?
6-18-05 Your blog
6-26-05 Dirty car
6-30-05 Date a geek
7-9-05 History of Cheetos
7-11-05 Abandonment
7-12-05 Bad moment
7-19-05 Dog dreams
7-21-05 Don't need an iPod
7-25-05 Cigarettes and Diet Coke
7-30-05 Personal assistant
8-06-05 Music can change lives
8-14-05 Erring on the side of...
8-21-05 Baloney has no name
8-29-05 You know what makes me really mad?
9-5-05 Cell phone mishap
9-9-05 Incompetent goverment
9-12-05 Dave is a jerk
9-15-05 Life's too short
9-22-05 Windows and Mac users
9-30-05 Waitresses
10-8-05 Acceptance
10-15-05 Writing the Windows shutdown music
10-18-05 Parental exit exam
10-23-05 My cartoons in 2006
10-30-05 Job interview
11-7-05 The letter T
11-7-05 Wrong deity part 2
11-9-05 Damage report
11-13-05 Poodle problem
11-18-05 Pulling out the troops
11-22-05 The visitor
11-24-05 Computer soul
12-3-05 Twelve step programs
12-5-05 Reach for the stars
12-9-05 If I weren't a Christian
12-10-05 How long have you been together
12-14-05 Drive locally
12-17-05 Bus stop
12-19-05 Patriotic ribbon
12-22-05 If you want to be something....
12-24-05 Noisy baby
12-27-05 Pest management